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Communicable Diseases

Writer's picture: Sohila BangariSohila Bangari

Holding on to the meaning within its name, it is evident that communicable diseases are transmissible that spread from one person to another. Well !! How? So, it can be a touch, body fluid , or an insect bite and many other such carriers. and Let us understand more about them.

Communicable diseases are famously termed infectious diseases, the main cause of their spread is some microorganisms like bacteria, virus protozoa and fungi.

Symptomatic and Non Asymptomatic

● In case of some diseases pathogens start replicating as they enter the body thereby showing symptoms .Example- Chicken Pox,Common Cold

● Whereas in few cases , there would be no reflected symptoms, yet remaining a transmissible one. Example-Cholera, HIV

Signs and symptoms vary person to person and disease to disease.Many would be cured with certain home remedies or some mild treatment whereas some would need serious hospitalization.

As mentioned, though particular disease is accompanied by specific symptoms yet general symptoms observed in such cases can be-

● Diarrhea

● Fatigue

● Cough

● Fever

● Body pains

Ways communicable diseases communicate (SPREAD)

Direct Contact-

Human to Human-

A direct contact can easily transmit the pathogen from an infected person to a healthy being.A possible situation can be a handshake, touch, cough or sneeze on non infected person.Beyond this, contact with body fluids of an infected person can also infect the other person (example- sexual contact or use of unhygienic washrooms)

Animal to Human-

Animal love is irresistible but it can be hazardous at the same time if that animal is infected with a transmissible disease. A touch, pat or a normal scratch by an infected animal is all good to infect you with the same.

Even while handling their excretions one must be careful as that can be equally fatal at times.

Mother to Unborn child-

If a pregnant mother is affected with some transmissible disease then the same pathogens/germs are very much capable of reaching and infecting the baby through placenta.It may also be transmitted while delivering a baby and even through breast milk. Hence the regular checkups must be of highest priority.

Indirect Contact-

Indirect contact can be through any surface which earlier came in contact with an infected person and is retouched by non infected one.Objects like furniture, door knobs or handles can be an easy source of indirect transmission of germs.Spread of cold is very basic example of such transmissions.

Insect Bites-

Few insects are carriers of such germs.These insects act as source of mobility for germs from host to host.Examples are lices, mosquitoes , fleas and ticks.These carrier insects are known as vectors.Ticks carry the bacterium that causes Lyme disease whereas Mosquito bite is responsible for spreading Malaria.

Contaminated Food-

A contaminated food can become a single source of infecting many people .E.Coli is one of the examples of such bacteria that is present in or on some foods like uncooked ham burgers or a juice that is not pasteurized properly.


Communicable diseases can be prevented by following simple yet very effective ways

1. Wash your hands -

● Before and after cooking

● Before and after having meals

● After using rest rooms

2. Avoid touching your nose, mouth and eyes.These are common ways for germs to enter the body.

3. Isolate yourself when ill- It is always better to avoid going to the workplaces on being ill or signs like fever, vomiting and diarrhea are noticed.

4. Timely vaccinations- The recommended vaccinations must be taken on time as they are capable of keeping you immune and resistant to any such diseases.

5. Strictly don't share your personal items- Avoid sharing items like combs, toothbrushes etc.

6. Travel with complete information and Safety , Wear masks and use hand sanitizers.

7. Keep the food items always covered .

8. Practice safe intercourse.

“Let us spread awareness and happiness, not communicable diseases”

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